Thursday, September 30, 2010

Final Press Release 2: Image Building

Date:               Sept. 27, 2010
Contact:          Mr. James E. Muellenbach III, CEO
178 W 1200 N
Gary, Indiana 88888
Phone:            731-333-8989
                      HEALTHIER WAY TO GET FAST FOOD

GARY, INDI.- Burger Planet is developing a new menu with healthier options for their valued customers.  This new menu will include low calorie options with more nutritional information to help their customers stay informed about their fast food options.

"Well, Burger Planet cares about its customers. For more than seven decades, the company has succeeded because it put customers first. We listen to our customers. And our customers desire healthy choices, of which we offer many;” said CEO Muellenbach.

To help make this adjustment to a new healthier menu Burger Planet has hired fitness expert Jane Petersen.  Peterson and Corny the clown will be traveling to all of the Burger Planet locations advising the public on eating healthier. 

Along with their new healthier options on the menu they are also including new options for side dishes in a combo meal.  This includes a variety of fruits and vegetable options.  Customers also have the option of requesting no condiments.

Burger Planet has served over 52 billion customers since it was founded in 1934.  It has 8,921 franchises in every state and 17 countries.  Burger Planet currently employs 48,272 people.

For more information please contact Hailey Potter.

Contact:  Hailey Potter
Public Affairs Representative


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Draft Press Release 2: Image Building

Date:             September 27, 2010
Contact:             Mr. James E. Muellenbach III, CEO
178 W 1200 N
Gary, Indiana 88888
Phone:             731-333-8989
                        HEALTHIER WAY TO GET FAST FOOD

GARY, INDIANA- Burger Planet is developing a new menu with healthier options for their valued customers.  This new menu will include low calorie options with more nutritional information to help their customers stay informed about their fast food options.

"Well, Burger Planet cares about its customers. For more than seven decades, the company has succeeded because it put customers first. We listen to our customers. And our customers desire healthy choices, of which we offer many;” stated CEO Muellenbach.

To help make this adjustment to a new healthier menu Burger Planet has hired fitness expert Jane Petersen.  Peterson and Corny the clown will be traveling to all of the Burger Planet locations advising the public on eating healthier. 

Along with their new healthier options on the menu they are also including new options for side dishes in a combo meal.  This includes a variety of fruits and vegetable options.  Customers also have the option of requesting no condiments.

Burger Planet has served over 52 billion customers since it was founded in 1934.  Burger Planet has 8,921 franchises in every state and 17 countries.  Burger Planet currently employs 48,272 people.

Contact:  Hailey Potter
Public Affairs Representative

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Final Press Release 1: Announcement

For Immediate Release:
Date:               September 14, 2010
Contact:         Preston Parker
                        Social Media Club of Cache Valley
Phone:             661-772-7537


LOGAN- Social Media Club of Cache Valley is opening to members once again at the start of the 2010 school year.  This club allows members from the community to become educated on all types of social media and how to use them.

“Nobody knows everything on social media, but together we can know everything,” stated President Preston Parker.  Social Media Club of Cache Valley was started as a way to answer questions about social media.  It is a non-profit organization for members of the community that come from all different backgrounds.  Members help to answer questions about Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, etc. Members range from novas business owners to experts on social media.

The organization was founded on an international level starting in San Francisco in the year 2005.  It has local chapters on almost every continent.  The SMCCV has a board of seven members.  Cache Valley’s local chapter was started in September 2009.  Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month.  SMCCV currently has around eighty members. 

Any member of the community can join by going to  Community members can also get information by following SMCCV on Facebook and Twitter.  For more information contact Preston Parker.

Contact:  Hailey Potter
Public Affairs Representative

Friday, September 17, 2010

Readings #2 JCOM 2160

I thought the common mistakes made on a resume was the most helpful.  I have made just about every one of the mistakes they listed and I learned a lot.  I learned not to say "references available upon request" at the bottom of the resume becuase it is implied just by turning in a resume.  I also learned it is bad to list things.  Which is something I have done on just about every resume I have ever made.  Don't list things such as responsibilities or duties.  You should state clear examples and state exactly how you improved your previous companies.  I also learned that you need to keep it to one page.  My current resume is two.  An interviewer will only take about a ten second look at your resume, so if it doesn't stand out within ten seconds then you probably don't need it on your resume. It is just taking up space.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Draft Press Releae 1: Announcement

For Immediate Release:
Date:               September 14, 2010
Contact:         Preston Parker
                        Social Media Club of Cashe Valley
Phone:             661-772-7537


LOGAN-  Social Media Club of Cache Valley is opening to members once again at the start of the 2010 school  year.  Allow members from the community to become educated on all types of social media and how to use them.
“Nobody knows everything on social media, but together we can know everything,” stated Preston Parker.  Preston is the President and the local chapter founder in Cache Valley.  Social Media Club of Cache Valley was started as a way to answer questions about social media.  It is a non profit organization for members of the community that come from all different backgrounds.  Members help to answer questions about Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, etc. Members range from novis business owners to experts on social media.
The organization was founded on an international level starting in Sanfransisco in the year 2005.  It has local chapers on almost every continent.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

"United Breaks Guitars" Case Study jcom 2310

My first experience flying on a plane was last year.  I was going to Argentina.  I got to Los Angeles International Airport in California around two in the morning.  After checking my luggage I had several hours before my flight and I took the opportunity to explore the airport.  I found that all the airlines had some sort of advertisement telling customers what kind of service they provide and why you should travel with them.  Although all the airlines had a slightly different advertisement, all of them said basically the same thing.  My flight took me to the George Bush International Airport in Texas.  Then once again I bored to the Buenos Aires Argentina Airport.  At all three airports I saw advertisements and brochures.  They were basically telling people to “fly with us because we are the best.”  Almost all the ones I saw guaranteed safety and an enjoyable flight.

Dave Carroll knew he was getting a lower priced ticket when he purchased economy seating, but he probably still expected to receive an enjoyable and safe flight.  His enjoyable flight most likely ended when he heard another passenger yell that they are throwing guitars on the tarmac.  The safety all airline customers assume they will receive probably ended for him when the flight landed and he discovered that his Taylor guitar, valued at $3,500, had been broken.

I think that Dave Carroll was right to pursue compensation for his broken guitar.  He filled out paper work and talked to customer service representatives for almost a year before posting his first song on YouTube.  If Dave had made the song and posted it after the first negative response he got from United, then I believe he would have been way out of line.  However, he followed United’s policies and gave them a warning that he was going to write a song and post it online for thousands of people to see.  He never thought that over one million people would view his video within three days of posting it on YouTube. 

I think that United deserves some credit for not trying to deny what had happened.  They did not deny that their employees were not safe with customer’s luggage.  This might be an effort on their part to encourage customers to check their bags or buy insurance.  From the research I have done on this case, it does seem as if each customer service employee Dave spoke with just tried to pass him on to someone else. 

I feel that Dave Carroll did the right thing by writing “United Breaks Guitars” and posting it to YouTube.  Dave could have continued the process with United’s customer service representatives and eventually the only thing left for him to do was to sue united for compensation.  I feel that posting the song on YouTube was and would have been more effective.  If Dave had sued United it would have cost them money in lawyers and court fees, but the most Dave would have received was the $1,200 that it would have cost him to fix the guitar.  By placing his song where numerous people from all over the world could see it, united lost more money than a lawyer or court fees ever would have cost.  United also received some bad publicity which will most likely influence their policies in the future.  Dave Carroll helped his music career immensely by writing “United Breaks Guitars.”  Another benefit of this song was that other customers of United airlines that had felt they were treated unfairly was able to have their story told through Dave Carroll’s series of songs.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Reading One Jcom 2160

From the readings for this week I have learned a lot about my own misperceptions of the internet.  When I read “the Core Rules of Netequitte,” I was surprised at the generality of the rules.  I have imagined the web as an alternate universe.  There aren’t any rule.  It is more like reading a book than any sort of live interaction to me.  I was surprised to learn about netequette.  I learned that the web is more like a conversation.  It has the same rules as reality.  I have thought of it in the past as a place where people do and say whatever they want.  There are ethics for internet users.  I learned that the internet holds a lot more of human emotion than you can really see.  One point that I found most interesting is that you shouldn’t waist peoples time.  I learned that format does matter.  There is a lot that can be left to an individual’s own interpretation since there is no emotional voice in the written word.  You have to be specific and know what you are talking about, even if you are writing an e-mail.  I learned a lot about e-mail.  I learned the most about the differences in formality and politeness.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Professional Letter to Cousin JCOM 2310

Dear cousin,

I have made it far enough into my program at Utah State University that I am getting excited about public relations.  Public relations, in my own opinion, is a wide area of study and can have a different definition depending on what company, organization, or point of view a person is representing.  It is the study of your client and their target audience in an effort to relay information that is in both of their best interest. 

It is important to know how to interpret information and do credible research.  A person involved in public relations will need to know how to use information and interpret it to their clients.  Once credible information is found, a public relations professional will advise or counsel their organization of what is in both parties best interest.  The members of the public relations staff are responsible for relaying a particular organizations point of view to the public.  They have to know how to make a plan of action.  This could be an extension of advertising or a press release.

Public relations for any outlet requires studying what is considered the public, in a given situation.  The public is a group of people with something in common that a business or organization is trying to communicate something to.  A Public relations professional is a bridge between the public and the organization.  They must keep both perspectives in mind when doing research and relay what is in their best interest. 

As a public relations specialist I will have plenty of opportunities to use my writing skills.  I am mostly excited to write press releases and work in the cooperate world.  I will be able to put the research and information I have found together in a format that will get the most important information to the company that I work for and then relay that information to the public.  This is what public relations means to me and this is why I am interested in working in this field of expertise. 


Hailey Potter