Monday, September 06, 2010

Professional Letter to Cousin JCOM 2310

Dear cousin,

I have made it far enough into my program at Utah State University that I am getting excited about public relations.  Public relations, in my own opinion, is a wide area of study and can have a different definition depending on what company, organization, or point of view a person is representing.  It is the study of your client and their target audience in an effort to relay information that is in both of their best interest. 

It is important to know how to interpret information and do credible research.  A person involved in public relations will need to know how to use information and interpret it to their clients.  Once credible information is found, a public relations professional will advise or counsel their organization of what is in both parties best interest.  The members of the public relations staff are responsible for relaying a particular organizations point of view to the public.  They have to know how to make a plan of action.  This could be an extension of advertising or a press release.

Public relations for any outlet requires studying what is considered the public, in a given situation.  The public is a group of people with something in common that a business or organization is trying to communicate something to.  A Public relations professional is a bridge between the public and the organization.  They must keep both perspectives in mind when doing research and relay what is in their best interest. 

As a public relations specialist I will have plenty of opportunities to use my writing skills.  I am mostly excited to write press releases and work in the cooperate world.  I will be able to put the research and information I have found together in a format that will get the most important information to the company that I work for and then relay that information to the public.  This is what public relations means to me and this is why I am interested in working in this field of expertise. 


Hailey Potter


  1. I really like how you said, "They have to know how to make a plan of action."

    I was thinking today after Preston's class that a pretty important facet of working in PR is not only representing the company or individual you work for, but helping them realize what the reaction to what they have asked you to do entails. That requires a bit of planning I'd think.

  2. You made it very personal and used your own perspective. I like how you mentioned how broad the term PR is and how it is different to everyone. Great job!

  3. If I knew nothing about the profession, I would have a better understanding of public relations if I read your post. It was very informative and interesting.
